By Alicia Holloway
Alicia Holloway is a Farm to School Contractor at Georgia Organics.
Graphic Design by Ana Maria Paramo.
Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s October Farm to School Month campaign with Georgia Organics. Pepper Palooza was a state-wide campaign to get kids eating, growing, and participating in pepper-themed activities, and because of your participation and support, it did!
We are pleased to report that more than 1 million teachers, students, and cafeteria staff took part in the celebration this October. This number represents a reach to 146 Georgia counties, and 60 school nutrition departments. For nearly 400 participants, Pepper Palooza was their first time celebrating October Farm to School Month with us, and slightly more than that requested the Spanish language resource pack to use with their students. Governor Brian Kemp declaring October Farm to School and Farm to Early Care and Education Month was the cherry pepper on top!
Throughout Georgia, early care and education centers, and elementary, middle, and high schools utilized our pepper-themed resource packet to engage students in hands-on learning activities. Participants were encouraged to share their Pepper Palooza activities via a social media contest using #pepperpalooza. The grand prize winner of this contest was the Feagin Mill Middle School chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). The chapter shared multiple posts each week showcasing students singing pepper songs and raps, cooking a Palooza-worthy array of pepper themed dishes including chili and candied jalapenos, and taste-testing all things pepper.
The entire month of October was peppered with competitions: 17 FCCLA Chapters competed for the best local Pepper Palooza campaign. Mossy Creek Middle FCCLA’s Palooza activities and antics involved the entire school; they even “peppered” the principal’s office! Georgia Organics was happy to sponsor FCCLA to recognize their advisors’ and members’ participation in the campaign.
Every great party has food, and School Nutrition stepped up to bring the party to school lunches. School Nutrition directors sourced peppers from Georgia farmers and served peppers in school cafeterias. Bartow and Cobb School Nutrition departments received recognition from Georgia Organics for incorporating peppers at least once a week throughout the month of October. From pepper topped tacos to sliced bell pepper and carrot “dippers,” they took time to spice up the menu for Farm to School month.
Thank you again to all you who took the time to involve your students in October Farm to School Month. You put pep’ in our step by sharing the joy you cultivated in all ages around growing, cooking, eating, and learning throughout this campaign!
The celebration doesn’t have to stop here! National Farm to School Month is October, but we hope that you continue to celebrate good food, community, and engaged learning throughout the year. We have some great resources available to help you integrate Farm to School programs into your school. If you haven’t checked them out yet, a few of ours include videos as well as resources from previous campaigns.
To learn more about Georgia Organics, visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn by searching the handle @GeorgiaOrganics or Georgia Organics.