By Yaza Sarieh
Yaza Sarieh is a contractor for Farm to School at Georgia Organics and a Childhood Health and Wellness intern at the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Photos courtesy of Yaza Sarieh
One recent, rainy Sunday morning, I decided to visit my local Indian grocery store. As I was walking through the door, drying my boots and shaking the water off my jacket, I saw some children run by me, playing with these gigantic, gourd-like vegetables. I had no idea what this vegetable was, and set out to find it myself. When I made my way around the produce section, I finally saw it—this three-foot-long, dark green, ridged, narrow, tough vegetable is known as Chinese okra.
Although it is botanically closer to squash and zucchini, Chinese okra is a unique variety found in many subtropical regions of the world. In terms of nutritional value, Chinese okra is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of dietary fiber, calcium and vitamin A. Additionally, the outside peel contains lots of iron and protein. Chinese okra is so tough and fibrous that sometimes, it is even dried out and used as a loufa!
Because I had never eaten Chinese okra before, I decided to take it home and experiment with it in new cuisines. While searching for different recipes, I found multiple dishes of Asian origin that incorporate Chinese okra.
In India and China, Chinese okra is often used in stews, stir fry, vegetable or meat dishes. I decided to try this Stir Fried Chinese Okra with Egg recipe which proved to be a pleasant surprise. The soft, spongy inside of the okra soaked up the flavor of the different sauces and spices, while the outside texture gave it a nice crunch.
What is the best way to start Livin’ la Vida Okra? Try new cuisines and learn about the importance of okra in other regions of the world!
Okra is prominent in Southern food culture, but there are so many varieties around the globe. Okra is rooted in diversity, whether it is the dynamic ways it is incorporated in different cuisines or the various types of okra plants and fruits out there, which makes Livin’ la Vida Okra a great opportunity to expand our palate and immerse ourselves in other cultures and traditions.
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