A Letter from Georgia Organics President & CEO Alice Rolls

July 27, 2023 

Dear Friends & Colleagues, 

In January 2024, I will celebrate 20 years at Georgia Organics, a landmark that invites exciting change for the organization and me personally. I told myself years ago that if I made it to this milestone, it would be time to step away from my role as President and CEO and make room for new leadership. Thus, I’m sharing this announcement with you.    

The good thing about a long tenure is you get to witness true change. When I started in 2004, there were only seven farmers markets in Georgia, the National Organic Program was two years old, and “local food” was not part of our vernacular. Thanks to an incredible group of passionate farmers, advocates, and partners, the local food movement has grown and flourished in transformative ways.  There are now 150 farmers markets, 150 Certified Organic farms in Georgia, and more Certified Naturally Grown farms than in any other state. Eighty-two percent of Georgia households now purchase organic food on a regular basis. Farm to school programs dot Georgia’s landscape, and there are inspiring efforts to justly support Black and Brown farmers and mitigate the impacts of climate change. 

You could say I had exquisite timing when I took this job, and that would be true. But I have also had the unique privilege of leading and working alongside visionary and committed colleagues at Georgia Organics, and beyond, who have made this change happen.   

Positioning the organization for the future is a challenge I take seriously, and thus I have been quietly working on succession planning the last two years. I am confident that this planning, along with our strong leadership team, will allow our organization to be continuous in our mission, goals, and execution. Our Board of Directors and a newly formed search committee will be focused in the coming months on hiring a new Executive Director sometime later this year. A job description has been posted on our website and will be circulated through various outlets. During the upcoming transition, I will be here to support the new Executive Director and our regional collective impact work in a President Emeritus role for a short term. Afterwards, I will be seeking new adventures in work and play. 

It isn’t easy stepping away from work that has been my heart and soul for two decades. I love this organization and what we do, particularly our newer mission to invest in organic farmers for the health of the land and our communities. Georgia Organics has deeply shaped me and cemented an enduring respect for local and organic farmers who steward public and environmental health. No matter where I go, I will continue to champion them. 

If you are getting this letter, that means you have been a valued ally, supporter, friend and/or mentor in my professional and personal journey. For that, I’m humbled and grateful for all that we have accomplished together during the past 20 years. 

Warm regards, 

Alice Rolls 
President & CEO