We're thrilled to welcome Kelley Toon as a guest contributor on Georgia Organics' blog, The Dirt. Toon is the Academic Nutrition and Support Manager at the Georgia Department of Education and is sharing her perspective on why food-based learning is so powerful. She also shares resources to help guide this learning.
Georgia Organics’ Farm to School Director Kimberly Della Donna adds: “Georgia's own Kelley Toon is our country's first Academic Nutritionist, working to align nutrition education in cafeteria's and classrooms statewide. She's part of the amazing team we partner with at the Georgia State Department of Education to provide training, technical assistance and recognition for Georgia's farm to school programs.”
Thank you for joining us, Kelley, and for being a collaborator in Georgia Organics’ Farm to School program!
Kelley Toon, Academic Nutrition and Support Manage at the Georgia Department of Education
By Kelley Toon
Back to school this year may look a little different, but one thing remains the same. Georgia's School Nutrition Professionals are committed to keeping Georgia's students fed and learning. They will be serving safe, fresh, and healthy meals to Georgia's students. These meals support farm to school initiatives by serving Georgia Grown foods. Besides, food-based learning is happening in the cafeteria, in the classroom, and at home.
Food is more than just a basic need as it can also serve as a powerful education tool. Discussions surrounding food origin and cultural connections, food preparation, food safety, the nutritional value of food, and manners and social graces related to food all directly align to learning standards across all academic areas. Food-Based Learning resources identify easy access points for incorporating nutrition into cross-curricular areas, facilitating the collaboration between school nutrition professionals and educators. Classroom materials that align with menu promotions and meet education standards and are an excellent way to highlight the fact that School Nutrition Meals are part of the academic day. Food-based learning provides coordinated support for student achievement.
Food-based learning resources are available to support learning whether it is happening in person or virtually.
Young ones sharing their at-home food-focused learning. Photos courtesy of Kelley Toon.
Harvest of the Month (HOTM) is the Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Program's farm to school initiative that highlights an item each month that can be sourced locally and served in Georgia's school meals. This initiative encourages collaboration between School Nutrition Programs, farmers, teachers, and their communities. Resources to support Harvest of the Month promotions include customizable serving line signs, graphics, fact sheets, lessons for teachers, and 'punny' signs to use for photo ops or serving lines.
Harvest with Holly videos explores Georgia's Harvest of the Month initiative by discussing how these items grow, where they grow in Georgia, and how they get from the farms to school meals all across our state. Episodes feature examples of how items are used in School Meals and ideas for enjoying them at home.
‘Toon’ In with Toon on Tuesday videos share ways to engage with food-based learning opportunities at home and school. Be sure to 'Toon' in at two on Tuesdays.
Taste and Talk resources feature fun questions prompts that encourage conversation during mealtime. Whether students are eating in the cafeteria, in the classroom, or at home, these prompts encourage conversation about food and fun. Learning doesn't stop in the classroom, it continues during mealtime.
You can find these and other resources on our website. Thanks for all that you are doing to Fuel Georgia's Future.
Kelley Toon is the Academic Nutrition and Support Manager at the Georgia Department of Education. To learn more about the Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Program, visit https://snp.gadoe.org/ and follow us on Instagram @gadoe_snp, Twitter @GaDOENutrition, and at www.Facebook.com/gadoenutrition/.